Let’s explore together which solar panel is currently one of the most in-demand in the world.

The company “Topco Solar” offers Shingled technology panels, which are considered a cutting-edge solution in solar production.

✅ When selecting a solar panel, it is crucial to take into account its temperature coefficient.

In the case of Topco Solar’s panels, the coefficient is -0.34%, which is currently the best in the world. This means that when the air is clean and the temperature is 25°C, the panel generates energy at its maximum capacity. For every 1°C increase in temperature above 25°C, the panel’s productivity decreases by only 0.34%.

✅ The panels are covered by 25-year manufacturing and 15-year product guarantees.

✅ This panels have aesthetic appearance (cells are dnesely packed, free of tabbing ribbons, and have uniform appearance).

✅  The panels’ one of the most important benefit is eco-friendly safety (no fluorine and low material adopted, achieves eco-friendly PV design).

𝐒𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧 builds PV stations using 𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐜𝐨’s panels.